
PHP5 and PHP7 Now Avaliable

  • 15th December 2016
We have both php5 and php7 web hosting available. You can switch between versions on the same site without migration, so trying your php5 website on php7 is easy as.Why php7 It's faster ... in many cases much faster It's safe, and is now the main version being developed You'll have to do it some day, as php5 will be reaching end of life 2018 ...
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The Hosting servers are being updated

  • 20th May 2016
The web servers are currently receiving a major update. This is a large update that will take serveral days to fully implement. There will be small periods (less than an hour) where your web site may go offline. In nearly all cases your site web site will continue to work after the updates, in a few cases a web site may become obsolete due to ...
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DB outtage

  • 31st March 2015
We are experiencing some issues with our database server at the moment.

We are working to fix this ASAP.

Update 18:06: Looks like the database is running again. We will continue to monitor the situation.
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.nz (dot nz) domains are now open for registration.

  • 31st March 2015

.nz (dot nz) domains are now open for registration.

Do you need both?
It's hard to say, as to some it's just one more domain. But it's probably that many people will start registering .nz over the others domains.

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