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Having trouble getting email working?

Google's Chrome web browser has a remote desktop feature. This allows a technician remote access to your computer, but only with your absolute permission. The computer is accessable for only a limited time and only with your access code. So long as you only give the code to your technician it's quite safe.

Step 1: Get Chrome

Download chrome directly from Google

Step 2: Get Chrome Remote Desktop

Download the add-on extension from the chrome store

Install using the icon in the top right corner, this will change to "launch app".

Step 3: Allow Access

Step up a time with your technician. The technician can only access while you allow them to. You can see everything they do and can regain access to the computer at any time.

Step 3 (a): Click Share.

Step 3 (b): Share your access number with your technician.

Step Alternative: Allow Access

Need to get back to sharing. Hold [Ctrl] press [t], this will open a new tab. If you see the below icon, click it to share desktop again. If you can't see this icon, but see screens of previous websites or simular, click the left right arrows in the browser to see the icons.

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